Care Leavers: Kitchen Comfort

Care Leavers: Kitchen Comfort

Posted 13th November 2023

NHP supports young people leaving care with white goods to ease the financial burden as they move into their first home.

Leaving care and moving into your first home is a significant milestone for young people but this journey towards independent living is fraught with challenges. For care leavers, the dream of having their own place can quickly turn into a daunting reality when they realise that many everyday essentials, like new fridges and washing machines, remain out of reach due to financial constraints. NHP recognises that having these appliances isn't a luxury but a necessity for building a stable, comfortable home.

This Christmas, NHP launches the 'Care Leavers: Kitchen Comfort' campaign to draw attention to the urgent need for these appliances for young care leavers. The campaign seeks to raise awareness and funding to ensure that every care leaver has access to a fully equipped home and the opportunity to transition into independent living smoothly.

On Sunday 12th November, over 40 runners ran the Alton Towers Half Marathon to raise monies for their campaign. Despite the pouring rain the runners completed the course to support young people, raising over £9000. Two young people, Kieran and Paris, who had been supported by NHP ran in support of their community of care leavers and were delighted to have run their first half marathon.

Reconomy, a leading waste management/recycling company and corporate supporter of NHP also took part in the race and provided sponsorship to support NHP in their first major fundraising event.

"We believe that every young care leaver, like Kieran and Paris, deserves the chance to have a warm, welcoming home of their own." said Mark Warr, Chief Executive at NHP. "Access to fridges, cookers and washing machines is a fundamental part of that journey. Our 'Care Leavers: Kitchen Comfort' campaign aims to bridge this gap and ensure that care leavers are not burdened by unnecessary challenges as they start this new chapter of their lives. We are so lucky to have the support of all of our runners, and Reconomy who have been such valuable partners in terms of their support."

The Campaign will run through Christmas and those wishing to donate can do so here: DONATE

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