Citizen Partnership Comms

Citizen Partnership Comms

Posted 10th January 2024

Congratulations to care leavers who are graduating from the House Project!

Care leavers in Coventry have been congratulated after graduating from the House Project.

A ceremony was held at the HMV Empire in Coventry and awards were presented to some of the leavers, who are aged between 16 and 18, in categories including future leader and sports hero.

The House Project is a programme in which we have partnered with Coventry City Council. Young people move into one of our homes and receive support from the council with things such as budgeting. The programme allows young people in care to live independently in a well planned and supported way.

Caydon Smith is one of this year’s graduates. He said he found the project so useful as he received so much education and support to do things for himself.

He said: “The project has helped me with my budgeting skills and living independently which includes washing clothes, cleaning and cooking and it’s helped me become the adolescent I should be. The support has been amazing."

“I feel a bit nervous graduating, but everyone who is part of the project is caring so it will be good. I’m so proud of everyone who has graduated from the House Project, I’m proud of you all and I’m proud of myself – we’ve done it!”

Chloe Coffey hosted the graduation and awards ceremony, having herself graduated from the House Project last year.

She said: “I took part in this project because I needed somewhere that I could call home. I wanted to experience what it was like living on my own. I had a lot of trauma growing up and I wanted to escape from that and live my own life and start my own career path. The House Project helped me gain confidence, helped me live independently without struggles – no one goes unsupported in the House Project."

“I now successfully live on my own, it’ll be coming up to two years next year and I wouldn’t have been able to do it if it wasn’t for the House Project and the support from my social worker."

“I’d like to say well done on your success to everyone who has graduated, you’ve smashed it and I wish you the best for your future.”

Coventry City Council director of care and support Peter Gill congratulated everyone who graduated.

He said: “The House Project is a great initiative as it supports young care leavers and we’re really proud to be part of it."

“We take part in this project because it’s the right thing to do. Young people don’t always get a great start in life and sometimes they need some support and some additional help, so what we’re trying to do by working with Coventry City Council is give them somewhere to live and the council are providing support to help them sustain their tenancies.”

Read the full article here.

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