NHP Annual report 2022-2023 is here!
Posted 17th August 2023
This is our fourth year as a Charity and whilst many will remember it for the impact of national and international events on their daily living, young people leaving care will also remember it for the significant event of moving in to their first home.
Providing a house that young people can call home provides them with the security that enables them to make their way in life and to achieve their aspirations.
Whilst improving the lives for young people is our absolute goal, we are committed to using our approach to develop practice-based evidence to drive change at a more systemic level. There are mixed views in the sector about the Department for Education (DfE’s) response to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and Ofsted changes to the regulatory framework for care leavers. We value the renewed focus on; greater support, relationships, engagement in Education, Employment or Training, improved health and a reduction in homelessness. These are organisational ambitions that are shared by the young people that we work with. They might use a different language to explain them, but you will see from this report how they, with their Local House Projects (LHP), are not only achieving individual success but are contributing to a new narrative about how they can be supported to succeed.
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