Team is highly commended at Housing with Care Awards

Team is highly commended at Housing with Care Awards

Posted 21st June 2023

The Supported Accommodation Team was 'highly commended' in the Housing Team Award category at Care Talk magazine's Housing with Care Awards recently. Team manager Julia Tompson was also nominated for the Team Leader Award. 

Judges said the team 'conveyed a cohesive, inclusive ethos in everything they spoke about, putting the young people at the centre of everything. They should be highly commended for the work they do.'

Councillor Chris Burden, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, said: "The Supported Accommodation Team is part of our Children and Young People in Care Service and work extremely hard to ensure all young people in care and leaving care have the support and skills they need to live independently.

“There really is no higher praise than being recognised as 'putting young people at the centre of everything', as they were, and I would like to say a huge 'well done' to the team – thank you for representing the best of Wolverhampton, and for your passion and commitment to our young people."

The Housing with Care Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in accommodation and services for integrated retirement communities, people with learning disabilities or mental health problems, retirement villages, assisted living, extra care housing and supported living and shared lives schemes.

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